jQuery vs JavaScript: Nên học jQuery hay học JavaScript

As the name suggests, JavaScript is a scripting language. Modifying a lot of code that way wastes developers’ and reviewers’ time and achieves nothing. There is unlikely to be any performance difference between the two operations in your usage. There is no type-conversion to be done because both parameters are already the same type. Both operations will have a type comparison followed by a value comparison. Just remember that creating a string object using the String constructor creates something of type Object that behaves as a string most of the time.

jQuery vs JavaScript

The style property is used to get as well as set the inline style of an element. JQuery is getting more popular day by day owing to its simplicity and extensibility. Unlike other JavaScript libraries like MooTools, Angular, Knockout, or TypeScript it is quite simple and features a rich library. JQuery is a quick and compact JavaScript Library that makes HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax associations for fast web improvement more comprehensible. It’s both feature-rich and cross-platform and is designed for a certain purpose, which is to take care of HTML client-side scripting. Yet, sooner or later, you will understand that the language that is liked by most developers around the world is JavaScript.

The jQuery’s engine

For instance, you can use the browser utility to access the browser version in your code. You can use jQuery to easily access external data with the built-in Ajax features. Note that Ajax is not that relevant anymore and chances are you won’t use it that much but if you need to load data access using JavaScript, then Ajax and jQuery’s Ajax features will help. Using jQuery can give a web page jquery development a nice facelift while the additional interaction, animations and smooth flow improves the user experience. It has gained so much popularity recently and has evolved into a much more versatile and useful language, which makes it worth learning. As you learn to code and work on building your development skills, I highly recommend dedicating quite a bit of your time towards JavaScript.

jQuery vs JavaScript

Widely adopted by browsers, JavaScript’s portability allows developers to write once and run consistently across various platforms and browsers. It has also exploded in popularity in the past couple of years. If you’d like to learn more about how that works, then our beginner’s guide to Node.js will explain all. It uses the advanced event registration model[s], which means you can attach multiple handlers to the same element. You can easily access the event object, and the handler can live in any function’s scope. Also, it is dynamic, i.e it can be invoked at any time and is especially well-suited for dynamically generated elements.

jQuery syntax – when to use $ (dollar) vs jQuery [duplicate]

There is no meaning in finding the difference between Javascript and jQuery. JQuery is one of the most efficient libraries in Javascript and it makes things easier. But it is foolishness to say that jQuery is for those who don’t know Javascript well. If you are an expert in Javascript you will be one of them who use jQuery efficiently. It is a matter of performance and efficiency, so if you want to write flawless code using jQuery, you should be knowing Javascript also, then only you will be able to make the most of it. The Full-Stack Java Developer program gives you knowledge of front-end, middleware, and back-end Java web developer technologies.

jQuery vs JavaScript

Navigating the landscape of jQuery and JavaScript can be intricate, but understanding their strengths, limitations, and optimal applications can profoundly influence your project’s success. Stay informed, adapt to your needs, and let the tech work for you. For mobile web applications, native JavaScript is generally more performant. JQuery can slow down the application due to its added overhead. JQuery automatically handles a lot of cross-browser issues. If your audience uses older browsers, jQuery can save you a considerable amount of time in browser compatibility issues.

What is JavaScript?

When I first started learning to code, I found it difficult to navigate through the terminology, jargon, and acronyms that seem to accompany every technology I played with. I’m learning a whole lot and have gained perspective on what to do next with my studies. Enrol to this bestselling Udacity program with 3 months access & receive 15% off the regular price. When you see your projects come to life with jQuery, you’ll be motivated to learn more; with JavaScript, it might be many more weeks of learning and plenty more mistakes before you see the same results.

  • What’s more, our research on JavaScript developer salaries shows that this language is a nice earner, too.
  • Jquery and JavaScript are both integral to web development, yet they serve distinct roles and offer different capabilities.
  • Fewer lines of code mean it’s easier to maintain and reuse functions in different places in the code.
  • The additional abstraction layers that jQuery provides can introduce slight delays, making computational tasks run slower.
  • This way, by glancing just at the markup, you can see what is does, instead of trying to reverse lookup javascript event binders.

We can select a DOM element in JavaScript using the document.getElementById() method or by using the document.querySelector() method. In jQuery, there are many pre-built effects and animations you can simply call to use. You can also introduce parallax effects for scrolling pages to make them look more interesting.

jQuery Ajax Method

To name a few features, any time you come across a click-to-show dropdown menu, any extra content added to a page, and dynamically changing element colors on a page, you’re seeing the effects of JavaScript. While jQuery offers ease of use, it comes with a performance cost. Being a library, jQuery is an additional file that the browser needs to load. Raw JavaScript, being native to browsers, can be faster and lighter.

Remember, the jQuery library only provides code for front-end development. If the site is complex, then jQuery will not be suitable for working on it in a large team, developing and maintaining it. For a landing page, only the stubborn will use pure js, and when working with a framework or in large projects, of course, jQuery will not work.

Strings: the special case…

JQuery takes care of common browser errors by ironing the fixes right into the library. JQuery also takes care of browser compatibility issues which are a developer’s nightmare during deployment. Many actions like Animate, Delay and Fade-In can be done using jQuery with very few lines of code.

jQuery vs JavaScript

You can optionally even use the type information from JSDoc comments to type check your JavaScript. There are many extensions that provide additional snippets, including snippets for popular frameworks such as Redux or Angular. The above line includes a jQuery library for your page using the Microsoft CDN (Content Delivery Network). And on other hand, null & undefined form the second sub-group.

Effects and Animations

JQuery like any other good JavaScript frameworks supplies you with functionality independent of browser platform wrapping all the intricacies, which you may not care about or don’t want to care about. Since jQuery seems to be easiest to work with with the quickest learning curve. However, some people just don’t understand it and think that I’m starting yet another flame (what I am not). Seperation of concerns is key here, and so the event binding is the generally accepted method.

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